
It's a day before November, one day after a brilliant party – thanks Ben! – and both 11 and 12 hours after 0100. Fall has begun and GMT is back for the winter. It's had a longer holiday than teachers get, but it's back, rolling back sunset and bringing darkness to the early evening.

Speaking of which, I woke up at sunset yesterday; I fell asleep at sunrise. It is such an odd sensation, but I greatly enjoyed it. The chickens didn't enjoy being locked in their run all day though, so I'm staying at home and letting them roam free in the garden today.

Back to the party: it was fancy dress, which has never been a concept to which I've taken – especially given the usually tacky nature of the general masses' costumes. Nevertheless, I vowed to go for broke; I don't do things by halves. I've mentioned a few times this week my progress in sewing. Finally, yesterday, moments before sunrise, I finished my suit jacket, went to bed, woke at half five, put my outfit on and turned up to Ben's party as Harvey "Two-face" Dent. Hence, in fact, that post entitled Duality and the increase in Batman references. I'll have to nab a photograph of me from last night off of someone else – I couldn't be all that bothered to take one of myself.

Oh, almost forgot! It's probably been a month or so since I last mentioned that most glorious of foods, but I've eaten some both just now and also on Friday. I am, of course, referring to bacon.

So, on the subject of bacon, I'll end in the immortal words of Porky Pig: That's all folks!

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