Gimme eat.

As per usual, this here Tuesday included rowing. Today's session was fantastic, thanks to indoor rowing champion Shaun giving the four of us who bothered to turn up – Rob, Ben, Tom and myself – a proper workout. I feel like I might do a load better next time I try for a 2000m time. Sub-eight minutes, here I come!

A few hours ago, I inadvertently knocked over a glass of milk and successfully resisted crying. I don't see the point in it, after all, there's no sense crying over spilt milk. That said, I really like milk, and I dislike wasting anything that I like. Food, for example: I've heard numerous times in recent months that Britain – renowned worldwide for its self-righteous disregard for anything other than its own pride – throws away one-third of its food. To anyone reading this: do not throw away food; give it to me, as I get hungry every ten minutes.

Oh, before I forget, I must say hello to whomsoever is visiting my blog from Singapore. How are you?

Goodnight interpeeps!

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