The Social Network

I saw The Social Network at the cinema today. It was a fantastic film, and probably still is. Go and see it sometime. Don't pirate it. Pirate music, that's fine. Don't pirate films. The crux of the matter is that, for music artists, the majority of their income – if they're any kind of decent – comes primarily from concerts. The film industry has no such live performances for generating revenue, hence, in not paying to watch a film, one jeopardizes the entire film industry. Don't pirate films.

Back to my original point, which was, oh yeah, The Social Network is brilliant. It has inspired me to increase my geek abilities. For instance, I'd rarely used the wget command on my fantastic, invincible, Ubuntu-running laptop. Currently, I'm testing it out, trying to download scores of photos from MIT's website. I did try wget on Facebook, but, their brilliant tech guys have blocked non-authorized bots, as have wikipedia. On my first attempt at wget, I downloaded around 400MB of data from Newcastle University's website. I'd guess it'd still be going, approaching one gigabyte, had I not killed it.

Anyway, enough chat. I have Unix commands to learn. Laters interpeeps!

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