
So, tonight I ventured to the land of feature-length commercial entertainment once more to witness the enjoyable animated 3Dness which is Despicable Me. Great voice work from Steve Carell – who I'm not often a fan of, however, he is rising in my estimations – and Russell Brand as a Emmet Brown-esque mad scientist.

Having the day off school let me catch up on some work, or, at least, finish one piece of work. Annoyingly, I still have some left to do, but half-term should give me enough time to finish all school-work as well as my essay for Harvard, Stanford and Princeton. I have a brilliant idea!

That'll be all for today. Things on my mind tonight include almost exclusively applications to my big four Universities. I mean, if I get these right, I could be offered a place at one of the greatest academic institutions in the world. That's the previously mentioned three and MIT. Exciting stuff!

Good night froods! I'm watching Lie to Me, Sky1. Tim Roth is brilliant.

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