Production and Reproduction

So, there was a point today when I thought to myself "this is the least productive day ever." Actually, upon further reflection, I feel I've produced enough to call today a win. I enjoy doing anything I can on any given day to tick it off as a win; today's winning qualities are as follows:

  • I finished sewing my custom shirt
  • I cut up some trousers
  • I ventured to Sainsbury's with little brother Owen
  • I bought copious amounts of food, including some drink and snacks for Friday night's poker
  • I logged onto the XKCD IRC channel and had a thorough discussion on mammalian breeding patterns with a complete stranger, as well as sparking some conversation about SATs and contributing to Tetris-related nostalgia

Of course today was a win! On the subject of SATs, by this time tomorrow I will have my score. 2400? I doubt it, but, oh my, how excellent would that be? They'd better be good: they'll be sent to MIT, Harvard, Princeton and Stanford.

As you'll be no doubt pleased to know, the reason humans don't have a mating season is because they have supreme intelligence which allows them to imagine the future. Thank you, #xkcd.

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