Bangers and mash!

Yeah, guys and gals – no, not gals. Dolls? Nope, 'tis a play. Oh, hang on, reboot, I've got it!

Yeah, ladies and gentlemen! Today, I had some wonderfully reheated sausage and mash with gorgeous onion gravy. I have a tendency to call brown stuff gorgeous, given that it's not faeces. Blue stuff – besides mould, that is – gets tagged "pretty" in the exquisitely complex matrices of Robin James' brain. Anyway, yummy dinner; thanks mother! She's given me a cupcake for afters, but hasn't told me what's in it. It could be spacecake. Mmm, drugs... Here's hoping!

In other news, I am not as good on a rowing machine as I would like! In fact, I'm worse than Tom and Niall. This, ladies and gentlemen, is embarrassing. It must be dealt with immediately, or at least in the near future. Maybe I was fatigued today from a piano lesson. They can be quite strenuous!

Finally, I bring such brilliant news: I am totally immune to whichever serotype of rhinovirus the local disease factories – or, as I believe the biological term is, "humans" – gave to me. Excellent! Total immunity, here I come! Apologies to anyone I gave diseases to over the past few weeks.

Here ends Tuesday 5th October. Now to have that prospective spacecake!

I'm sticking with that now; apologies to transgenders, although I figure you're covered by the "and"? I don't know. I AM JUST A GUY.

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