Drugs are so cheap.

Seriously, right, ibuprofen are really quite brilliant drugs. Headache? No bother. Cold? It'll take the symptoms down. Depressed? 150 of them will set you back maybe £2.50, and, well...

Obviously, no store would let you buy this many at once, but how hard would it really be to go into, I don't know, 5 stores? 2 packets in each.

Anyway, on a cheery, less hypothetical-suicide-related note, I finally got myself a copy of the local newspaper News Guardian in which my story and photograph were printed. Again – as if I don't mention the sexy dudes enough – I'd like to draw attention to fellow rowing heat-winners Bobby, Niall and Tom. Go guys! In fact, if you really love Niall – and why wouldn't you? – you can read what he has to say about games, films and stuff on his blog.

So, that's today: benzene rings and newspaper things. Tomorrow promises to be similarly – if not more so – disappointing.

Night fellas!

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