zOMG, bacon is dead cows dude.

Yet again, bacon formed the foremost part of my breakfast. Is it healthy to eat so much bacon? I'm going with "yes". I also eat plenty of crisps, so it's not all bad. Okay, I had a banana today. There, health conscious folk are now silenced.

My little brother is currently blasting the novelty tunes: The Witch Doctor, Monster Mash, Bird is the Word. At least he's using Grooveshark, and I'd be hypocritical to get truly annoyed at him for it, since I spend a disproportionate amount of my time drilling those songs into people's heads.

We had another brilliant rowing session tonight. Amazingly, we managed to stay in time for at least five strokes. Roll on the regatta on Saturday! I'm feeling a little better about it than I was on Sunday, though I'm still bricking it.

Oh, wait, I've been writing this for a little while – during an episode of Friends, obviously – and now it seems the little brother is watching the full length video to Michael Jackson's Thriller on YouTube. I find the comments on YouTube are always much more entertaining than the video. And there you have it, today's title.

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