To conquer Comic Book Characters...

To begin, I thought I'd share an article about the U.S. Air Force's ridiculously cool new program: BATMAN.

Like any decent day, today started with bacon. After bacon, I had possibly the most hilarious session ever with the lads at Tynemouth Rowing Club. You had to be there. We're not even close to being ready for the regatta at Durham this upcoming Saturday.

So, anyway, with a hey diddle diddle, a drill and a fiddle, I've finally got my 1.2m*0.9m whiteboard on my bedroom wall! Pictures to follow? Who knows?

Enough blogging today though, I'm going for an uncharacteristic early post, I'm going to watch House on the Hallmark Channel and then I'm going for my dinner.

Okay, you probably didn't have to be there to appreciate the hilarity, but – as with all instances of "you had to be there" – it meant "I can't be bothered to explain why it was so funny."
Although, it's more of an excuse to use future tense and make another footnote than anything else.

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