[I forgot to give this a title; I realized 04102010]

So, after feeling all fit and exasperated yesterday, I'm feeling much more ill and exhausted today. Some fool has given me yet another serotype of human rhinovirus and it's taken all physical strength out of me. Thanks some fool! Although, I think it's 30-something down, 69-minus-something to go for total immunity to the common cold, and this'll make it 30-something-and-one. Excellent!

Nevertheless, my mind and fingers are still working at their usual full capacity, and, hence, I've drafted an article about yesterday's rowing regatta which the News Guardian will hopefully be printing on Thursday. If you want to know how that turns out, you'll either have to get the newspaper or have to learn French.

Now, I'm finishing writing today's post after a long battle with my laptop. It seems it caught my cold, bless it, but trying to fix it with alternate medicines gave it amnesia and an inferiority complex that could only be resolved by rebuilding the entire thing. So, I am now essentially connecting to the interweb through a brand new laptop! It's analogous to the way the TARDIS rebuilds itself across series, and is possibly only through the ingenuity of Ubuntu Linux. Windows rebuilds are pathetically long-winded, and almost certainly result in a loss of files and the will to live.

Anyway, I now have to manually set up all the nifty tricks I used to have, ahead of the scheduled rebuild I was planning for Ubuntu 10.10 next month. Night froods!

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