A film review and impossibilities.

Well, I'm reverting back to English today.

I've just finished deciding that the last question in my little sister's maths homework is impossible. Finding an nth term rule for the following:
2 9 17 27 39
Obviously, it was supposed to be:
3 9 17 27 39
making it a simple n2+3n-1. Anyway, after half an hour of obsessively finding differences of differences of differences of differences I finally came to the conclusion that if 0 occurs anywhere but at the edges of a differences of differences(...) triangle, an nth term using powers of n is impossible.

Now, the promised film review. I saw Grown Ups at the cinema tonight; true to form, Adam Sandler, Kevin James et al. guaranteed a laugh per minute. It was real easy-viewing stuff, recommended for anyone who just fancies a good laugh.

All of this, however, does not make up for the disappointing lack of post today. A whiteboard on Wednesday, a letter from Parliament on Thursday, yet nothing today.

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