The eyes have it...

Today, I attended a lecture at Northumbria University, given by Rt Hon John Bercow MP: the Speaker of the House of Commons. It was thoroughly enjoyable for my politically interested self, and greatly restored my faith in the British constitution. Alas, I didn't ask him any questions, but I neither had a question to ask nor any reason to come up with an awkward question – he didn't annoy me in the slightest, not like that time I confused David Cameron.

In other news, disease is all but disappeared, including what I will describe only as a "facial anomaly" to avoid saying either "cold sore" or "herpes". Damned genetics. I'm not tall, I'm fair-skinned, almost fair-haired. At least my eyes are blue and not some form of green. I apologise for the offence taken by green-eyed people, but you're a noun away from being the personification of jealousy, and I'm much more inclined to brown and blue eyes, though not one of each, nor a mixture. All right, I've had enough of this. Basically, my genetics are pretty bad, bar the intelligence and the well-defined eye colour.

Right, not sure I've any more grumbles or musings, except possibly mentioning that Newcastle City Library is becoming increasingly popular, which I'm not all that pleased about. I can barely get a seat.

Without further ado, I bid you adieu.

Good night interpeeps!

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