Tynemouth Triumph/Sculling Success

Today's rowing regatta in Durham was utterly fantastic. It was thoroughly enjoyable; all the Tynemouth Rowing Club crews rowed well, picking up countless second places.

However, our 4X+ novice crew – the infallible Bobby in stroke, the enigmatic Tom in three, the handsome Niall in two, and myself in bow – was the best crew as we won our first ever regatta race!

Unfortunately, that first race was a heat, and, by winning it, we had to compete in the final against some not-so-novice machine-like athletes from Tyne United. Beating them really was impossible: despite rowing much better than we did in the heat, we still fell at least a boat's length behind.

The words "Durham Today/Argh!" and "We Won!" are now written in large friendly letters on my whiteboard, and will be for days to come.

Today really was brilliant - I even had a bacon sandwich, and I'm now eating custard. Good night folks! Have a great day.

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