Il pleut encore!

Tout d'abord, je voudrais vous afficher cet histoire d'un journal local au sujet de mes amis au club du rowing. Il y a même un photo de nous: le Bobby infaillible, moi-même, le joli Niall et le fou Tom. Et le vieux dans le pic? C'est le chair-man légendaire s'appelle Chris.

Ce soir, j'ai attendu un événement célébrant les projets comme l'un qui j'ai fait pendant l’été. C’était pas mal. Rentrant chez moi, il pleut beaucoup encore. Le semaine dernière, il pleut jeudi. Je suis désolé; une semaine, je écrirai en français au sujet de quelque chose au lieu de la pluie.

Donc, c'est le fin de jeudi français.


The eyes have it...

Today, I attended a lecture at Northumbria University, given by Rt Hon John Bercow MP: the Speaker of the House of Commons. It was thoroughly enjoyable for my politically interested self, and greatly restored my faith in the British constitution. Alas, I didn't ask him any questions, but I neither had a question to ask nor any reason to come up with an awkward question – he didn't annoy me in the slightest, not like that time I confused David Cameron.

In other news, disease is all but disappeared, including what I will describe only as a "facial anomaly" to avoid saying either "cold sore" or "herpes". Damned genetics. I'm not tall, I'm fair-skinned, almost fair-haired. At least my eyes are blue and not some form of green. I apologise for the offence taken by green-eyed people, but you're a noun away from being the personification of jealousy, and I'm much more inclined to brown and blue eyes, though not one of each, nor a mixture. All right, I've had enough of this. Basically, my genetics are pretty bad, bar the intelligence and the well-defined eye colour.

Right, not sure I've any more grumbles or musings, except possibly mentioning that Newcastle City Library is becoming increasingly popular, which I'm not all that pleased about. I can barely get a seat.

Without further ado, I bid you adieu.

Good night interpeeps!


Piano-playing; undead cats.

Illness is almost finished. Ha! Take that parasitic lifeforms! That said, being human, I'm a specimen of possibly the least independent species known to, well, man. That's the first admission to being human I've made in a while. I love the immune system, makes me proud. Long live evolution! Ha, that's quite funny.

Anyway, went rowing tonight, didn't get out though. I did have a decent session on the machines though. I also had my first piano lesson since barely passing grade 4. By rights, I should be a much better pianist than I am in reality. Of course, that's an effect caused by a great lack of effort. I love playing the piano, but not so much practising to impress the ABRSM.

So, that's a little mention for both causality and evolution, two of my favourite scientific concepts. I'd tell you my feelings about Schrödinger's cat, but, appropriately, I'd rather leave you in suspense. Do I like Schrödinger's cat, or do I not? You will never know, therefore it's both! What a very crude depiction of a brilliant concept.

Another thing, it's correct to say both "[the cause] causes [the effect]" and "[the cause] effects [the effect]." You can even slip them into passive voice for more interchangeability!

Good night chums!


Holy disease-and-injury-ridden day, Batman!

Yep, going for a Batman TV Series Robin-style line for the title. Robin parodies Robin: breaking news.

The rhinoviri seem to be dying off now. Go immune system! Unfortunately, a ridiculously old metal bed coupled with all of my weight resting on it in just the wrong spot later caused a deep cut in my left hand. That wasn't even the worst of my medical maladies; damned nausea woke me up at 0430 this morning 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

In case you're wondering, that was me fixing my 'r' key. I mentioned the rebuild of Ubuntu I did on here, well, turns out the hardware needs rebuilding too.

Anyway, yep, nausea, wounds, the common bloody cold, but it's all right now, baby it's all right now...


[I forgot to give this a title; I realized 04102010]

So, after feeling all fit and exasperated yesterday, I'm feeling much more ill and exhausted today. Some fool has given me yet another serotype of human rhinovirus and it's taken all physical strength out of me. Thanks some fool! Although, I think it's 30-something down, 69-minus-something to go for total immunity to the common cold, and this'll make it 30-something-and-one. Excellent!

Nevertheless, my mind and fingers are still working at their usual full capacity, and, hence, I've drafted an article about yesterday's rowing regatta which the News Guardian will hopefully be printing on Thursday. If you want to know how that turns out, you'll either have to get the newspaper or have to learn French.

Now, I'm finishing writing today's post after a long battle with my laptop. It seems it caught my cold, bless it, but trying to fix it with alternate medicines gave it amnesia and an inferiority complex that could only be resolved by rebuilding the entire thing. So, I am now essentially connecting to the interweb through a brand new laptop! It's analogous to the way the TARDIS rebuilds itself across series, and is possibly only through the ingenuity of Ubuntu Linux. Windows rebuilds are pathetically long-winded, and almost certainly result in a loss of files and the will to live.

Anyway, I now have to manually set up all the nifty tricks I used to have, ahead of the scheduled rebuild I was planning for Ubuntu 10.10 next month. Night froods!


Tynemouth Triumph/Sculling Success

Today's rowing regatta in Durham was utterly fantastic. It was thoroughly enjoyable; all the Tynemouth Rowing Club crews rowed well, picking up countless second places.

However, our 4X+ novice crew – the infallible Bobby in stroke, the enigmatic Tom in three, the handsome Niall in two, and myself in bow – was the best crew as we won our first ever regatta race!

Unfortunately, that first race was a heat, and, by winning it, we had to compete in the final against some not-so-novice machine-like athletes from Tyne United. Beating them really was impossible: despite rowing much better than we did in the heat, we still fell at least a boat's length behind.

The words "Durham Today/Argh!" and "We Won!" are now written in large friendly letters on my whiteboard, and will be for days to come.

Today really was brilliant - I even had a bacon sandwich, and I'm now eating custard. Good night folks! Have a great day.


To be a rock and not to roll.

And so, with three weeks to go until the deadline for UCAS applications to Cambridge, my personal statement is still leaving something to be desired. That something just so happens to be a personal statement.

I made a start on it, but, seriously, do they want modesty and showmanship, personality and humility? I can do all kinds of things with words, but writing a personal statement truly is a challenge.

Anyway, tonight was Alex's first gig! It was awesome - the band played some right good tunes. Not left good, but right good. Led Zeppelin, ZZ Top, ACDC, Fleetwood Mac, loads more, and even 2 4 6 8 Motorway.

Tomorrow, that formidable regatta in Durham. I'd best get some kip before the 0700 rise. Oh, and I've committed myself to writing a newspaper article about it. Stay tuned!

Read my earlier post featuring An extract from Rijako


Il pleut beaucoup!

C'est jeudi français!

Ce matin, il faisait du soleil. C'était un bon commencement de l'équinoxe d'automne. En rentrant chez moi à vélo, il pleuvait. C'est agaçant, mais le cyclisme dans la pluie est vivifiant. Ma chemise était trempée.

Malheureusement, la pluie a arrêté le rowing ce soir, mais ma mère a fait un diner avec des saucisses et de la purée de pommes de terre.

À la une, pour la première fois, j'ai été payé pour ne rien faire par le système débile du gouvernement britannique qui s'appelle "EMA". Je ne refuse jamais de cadeau gratuit. Merci, gouvernement débile, c'est toujours un plaisir!

À demain, les anglophones pourront lire encore, parce que mon blog sera en anglais.

Bonne nuit, tout le monde!


Fire Alarms and Time Travel

Yeah, so, after turning up late to school due to an overindulgent shower and a lack of vegetable oil, I had to endure a fire drill.

Since that was possibly the most noteworthy event of the day, I think the time is right for me to reveal my theory against any possibility of time travel, both for myself personally and, hence, all mankind ever, without arguments involving violations of causality – I'll save paradoxes for later.

First of all, if you assume that at some point in my life I personally build a time machine, I would meet myself at some point between 2003 and now before doing anything else, which, evidently, I didn't.

Second of all, if you assume that I do other almost as amazing stuff in my life, you can assume that any future time-traveller would take a trip to meet me in order to correct and/or poach my ideas, much as would happen to Benjamin Franklin and Leonardo da Vinci respectively.

Upon this event – no matter what their guise or their time machine's cloaking device – I would undoubtedly hijack the time-traveller's vehicle and meet myself at some point between 2003 and now, which, evidently, I didn't. Even if a time-traveller doesn't come to meet me, they should at least visit Earth between now and my death, hence giving me the chance to commandeer a time machine.

So, to conclude, since I have not yet met my future self, it is logical to assume that no-one descendent from Earthly simians or indeed with any knowledge of human science will ever invent a controllable form of time-travel. Damned logic.

Tomorrow is French Thursday!

Ben, you got the charges the wrong way around. Though, granted if he'd done it properly we'd be stuck with the neutron, the electron and the absurd-sounding "negatron". Actually, that's way cooler than "proton". Ah man, Franklin!


zOMG, bacon is dead cows dude.

Yet again, bacon formed the foremost part of my breakfast. Is it healthy to eat so much bacon? I'm going with "yes". I also eat plenty of crisps, so it's not all bad. Okay, I had a banana today. There, health conscious folk are now silenced.

My little brother is currently blasting the novelty tunes: The Witch Doctor, Monster Mash, Bird is the Word. At least he's using Grooveshark, and I'd be hypocritical to get truly annoyed at him for it, since I spend a disproportionate amount of my time drilling those songs into people's heads.

We had another brilliant rowing session tonight. Amazingly, we managed to stay in time for at least five strokes. Roll on the regatta on Saturday! I'm feeling a little better about it than I was on Sunday, though I'm still bricking it.

Oh, wait, I've been writing this for a little while – during an episode of Friends, obviously – and now it seems the little brother is watching the full length video to Michael Jackson's Thriller on YouTube. I find the comments on YouTube are always much more entertaining than the video. And there you have it, today's title.


An extract from Rijako

Was today noteworthy in the slightest? For me, it wasn't. Today's post will have to take a completely new approach; no detached diary entry, oh no - today, enjoy the opening of my book. Brace yourself for...

Rijako Chapter 1: Zyla and the Duck

 Space travel is a tricky business. There’s a lot to get used to. Zyla Moph had about ten minutes to get used to it.
 The Nasisian capsule crashed on Camalah – or Anti-Nasisia as the female inside it might call it. By no fault of their own, the people of Nasisia are very touchy about their planetary identity. In fact, it's a crime to express a desire to leave the planet. Originally, this heinous crime carried the penalty of death, but after a meeting between the three Nasisian world leaders – who by an amazing coincidence are all called 'Cake' – capital punishment was considered not severe enough, and a law was passed that anyone who wishes to leave Nasisia must be sentenced to a fate worse than death: exile. Naturally, many philosophers, professors and primary school pupils argued that this would reward those who want to leave. Cake, Cake and Cake decided that kind of talk sounded like the philosophers, professors and primary school pupils wanted to leave, and so fired up the cannon, launched their best scholars towards Anti-Nasisia and then looked for some more patriotic philosophers and professors.
 As Zyla Moph stepped out onto the Camalan landscape, she realised just how wrong the three Cakes were. Nasisia, she mused, is hellish. Ahead of her stood miles of beaches, illuminated by azure sky and bordered by tranquil seas. Behind her towered a city skyline, and behind that the rolling mountains littered the idyllic planet, half of which bathed in Alpha Capricornus' sunlight, whilst the other watched the stars in the sky. This was every bit the Anti-Nasisia she was looking for.

Yeah, it's not great by anyone's standards, but I wrote the first chapter - these and a further 1200 words - as a piece of coursework for AS English Language, got an A, and wrote a further 4 chapters. I may finish it one day.

A note on the name "Nasisia": I originally named the planet "Lebb", but an English teacher/Mr. Bean lookalike noted the similarity between "Lebbian" and "Lesbian". As for "Nasisia", a google search turns up with nothing of note, and I like the sound of it. Another note: "Rijako" is my initials dispersed with vowels. A final note: "Camalah" - by starting with ~"camel" and ending with "ah" - has a certain desert-like quality, hence fitting the beach planet. And there you have it, a sort of save-the-best-'til-last approach to revealing my mad choice of proper nouns. Don't even ask about "Zyla Moph" - I really have no idea.


To conquer Comic Book Characters...

To begin, I thought I'd share an article about the U.S. Air Force's ridiculously cool new program: BATMAN.

Like any decent day, today started with bacon. After bacon, I had possibly the most hilarious session ever with the lads at Tynemouth Rowing Club. You had to be there. We're not even close to being ready for the regatta at Durham this upcoming Saturday.

So, anyway, with a hey diddle diddle, a drill and a fiddle, I've finally got my 1.2m*0.9m whiteboard on my bedroom wall! Pictures to follow? Who knows?

Enough blogging today though, I'm going for an uncharacteristic early post, I'm going to watch House on the Hallmark Channel and then I'm going for my dinner.

Okay, you probably didn't have to be there to appreciate the hilarity, but – as with all instances of "you had to be there" – it meant "I can't be bothered to explain why it was so funny."
Although, it's more of an excuse to use future tense and make another footnote than anything else.



I finally rolled downstairs at about noon, and made a bath from an old sandpit box for the chickens, which, much to my dismay, they didn't appreciate at all. Oh yeah, I hadn't mentioned, I keep chickens.

My breakfast was much less disappointing: bacon, fried egg, toast, tomato ketchup, monster munch, a packet of rusks, a cup of tea - milk & four sugars - and a slice Meat Loaf - Bat out of Hell. Have a listen to my current favourite playlist on Grooveshark.

After that, the next globally interesting thing to happen: I watched Lethal Weapon 2 for - amazingly - the first time ever. "It's just been revoked." True awesomeness. Exeunt.


A film review and impossibilities.

Well, I'm reverting back to English today.

I've just finished deciding that the last question in my little sister's maths homework is impossible. Finding an nth term rule for the following:
2 9 17 27 39
Obviously, it was supposed to be:
3 9 17 27 39
making it a simple n2+3n-1. Anyway, after half an hour of obsessively finding differences of differences of differences of differences I finally came to the conclusion that if 0 occurs anywhere but at the edges of a differences of differences(...) triangle, an nth term using powers of n is impossible.

Now, the promised film review. I saw Grown Ups at the cinema tonight; true to form, Adam Sandler, Kevin James et al. guaranteed a laugh per minute. It was real easy-viewing stuff, recommended for anyone who just fancies a good laugh.

All of this, however, does not make up for the disappointing lack of post today. A whiteboard on Wednesday, a letter from Parliament on Thursday, yet nothing today.


C'est jeudi français!

Alors, ma nouvelle idée! Une fois par semaine, je vais écrire en français pour améliorer mon niveau du français, et j'ai décidé que ce sera toujours jeudi.

Tout d'abord, je viens d'arriver chez moi pour trouver une lettre de mon MP au sujet du Digital Economy Act (quelques choses ne se traduisent pas). C'était assez intéressant.

D'ailleurs, il n'y a pas beaucoup d'actualités aujourd'hui, cependant, j'ai parlé à des personnes d'un chaîne de télévision de Corée du Sud, grâce à mon école.


The Lie-in, the Book and the Whiteboard

All right, so maybe 0800 isn't that much of a lie-in, but the C.S. Lewis reference wouldn't work nearly as well with anything else.

As for the book, that's real. I'm referring to the Harvard Prize Book I was awarded on behalf of the Harvard Club by my school today. No Small Matter by Felice C. Frankel and George M. Whitesides. I also won the award for French in my year, and received the certificate for the Open University course I completed last year.

Finally - and, man, this post is short - I come to the 1.2m*0.9m whiteboard which arrived today! I bought it on Monday, on eBay, and it's ridiculously big.

I've got a month left to finish my UCAS application, due to the early Cambridge deadline. 108 days to go for MIT and Harvard.