Yoghurt Pots and String

I think creativity is the tonic of life.

Right now, I should probably be doing work. I get plenty of it. That's not stimulating, though. The end result of a maths assignment is far from new, and undoubtedly not unique due to a count upwards of 300 fellow students who also have to do said work. It's not part of my design, and, besides, who ever enjoyed being told what to do?

I'm not doing work; I'm writing this. It's hardly a short story, or a canvas painting, but it's certainly a start. Really, right now, and at any given time, I simply want to write, paint, sketch, speak, design, build, engineer, play, invent.

Perhaps I played with Lego too much as a kid, and spent way too much time improvising on piano instead of actually learning the boring ABRSM exam pieces.

I like to think of creativity as the most socially acceptable form of nonconformism. Aside from writing, composing, inventing or the like, breaking societal conventions tends to result in being branded things like "kleptomaniac," "nymphomaniac," or, if you're really messed up, "pyromaniac." I can't get arrested for writing a blog... erm... so long as I'm nice about the US Government. You guys rock.

I planned on keeping this post both shorter and with much less self-imposed gravitas and philosophical undertones than my last post, about The Hollow Men. I'll likely go into the kitchen now and make a cardboard box into some kind of dinosaur.

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